The spartan's were the best soldiers in the ancient world, they are very famous fighters. The spartans were also fighters for freedom, one of which was Leonidas the king of Sparta who lead his troops to battle against another King Xerxes at Thermopylae. Today still, there are many people who admire and admire the spartans full movie tamil dupped for their bravery and courage. Their courage and bravery is mentioned couple of couple of times in the book Thermopylae by John Keegan. In the book, John Keegan describes them as "Their courage was more than their numbers." As you can see, he says their courage is more than their numbers. As you just read it in the quote of this short red-warrior hair of Sparta movie tamil dipped, Leonidas was very brave and courageous. He just wanted to protect his country from Xerxes. But why did he fight? He did so because his country had more meaning than him. One reason for this meaning is you will get meet them spartan full movie tamil dupped. It was 150 years ago when Leonidas lead his troops to this battle. The people of the city of Sparta were afraid that King Xerxes would take their country. They did not want to be slaves, so they started to defend their country by sending their best soldiers to this battle, which were the spartans. They sent about 7 000 men and 300 other support people. This battle was very important for both sides because it could change the future forever. The spartans did not want to be slaves like the ancient greeks who King Xerxes has defeated before. They were willing to do everything until they win this battle full movie tamil dipped for their freedom. The spartans had always been the best soldiers, but when they lost this battle they still won a lot of fame and glory. They became heroes for many years. In fact, many movies have been made about the battle of Thermopylae . Two movies that were made from Leonidas and his troops were 300 movie tamil dupped and 300: Rise Of An Empire. The Spartans did not want to become slaves because they did not want to live without freedom. They feared slavery more than death because slavery meant you would do everything you were told full movie tamil dupped . There was no way out except death. If they were to be slaves they would have no freedom and some battles would be fought full movie tamil dupped. They did not want to fight and die without their freedom. This is what Leonidas was looking for. They were the best soldiers ever in the ancient world tamil dupped, but they also became heroes. It is very important that you learn about this battle because it tells you about the importance of freedom and how brave people had to fight for their freedom and how many of them died for their cause full movie tamil dipped. 8eeb4e9f32 26
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